Ash & Bone
A troubled teenager is taken to the peace and quiet of the country side by her father and step mother in an effort to calm down her wild streak. But after she crosses the infamous McKinley family, it becomes clear that sometimes danger lies hidden in the weeds, ready to strike at any moment.
Dauer: 1:37:10
Produktionsjahr: 2021
Horror, Thriller
Herkunftsland: USA
Regie: Harley Wallen
Drehbuch: Bret Miller
Cast & Crew
- Jamie Bernadette „Anna“ – I Spit on Your Grave Deja Vu,
- Mel Novak „Bartender „- Game of Death
- Harley Wallen „Lucas Vanderbilt“ – Betrayed
- Kaiti Wallen „Sarah Vanderbilt “ – Agramon’s Gate
- Angelina Danielle Cama „Cassie Vanderbilt „Abeyance
- Erika Hoveland „May Mckinley „
- Jimmy DoomK „Clete McKinley „- Kill the Irishman
- Mason Heidiger „Tucker“
- Shane Hagedorn „Sheriff „- Wild Faith
- Harley Wallen Director
- Bret Miller Writer
- Harley wallen Producer
- Annette Cama Producer
- Kaiti Wallen Producer
- Nancy Oeswein Producer

Harley Wallen
Harley is a Swedish filmmaker and actor currently residing in Southeast Michigan. He started as a trained actor with a preference of Stanislavsky and Meisner as his foundation. He studied online to be a filmmaker using several outlets but with his foundation in Rocketjump. He is a self proclaimed “student” always looking to improve his craft both as an actor and filmmaker. His directorial influences are but not limited to Scorsese, Tarantino, Mann and Nolan.
Harley is a husband, a father of 5, a retired Professional MMA fighter, world class Judo player who loves family, travel and the arts.