Country: France, 2013; OT: Mauvaise Tête; Genre: Short, Drama, Macabre, Medical; Director: Camille Vidal Naquet; Writer: Camille Vidal Naquet; Stars: Marie Béraud, Jonas Bloquet, Arnaud Daury; Runtime: 28min;
Paul is 20 years old. When he finds out that doctors believe his mother’s brain tumor is incurable, he decides to try and save her by himself. His stubbornness will lead him into troubling situations…
Als die A?rzte Paul sagen, dass der Gehirntumor seiner Mutter unheilbar sei, macht er einen Selbstversuch. Seine Sturheit bringt ihn in beunruhigende Situationen…
Official Selection
Screening: Kurzfilmblock 1, Freitag, 10.April 2015
Time: 18:30