Our Partners

Sponsor & Supporter

The Hollywood Megaplex has been supporting the Fright Nights Film Festival for many years, making the Hollywood Megaplex our most important and largest partner. The cinema and the entire team support us every year in organizing the Fright Nights horror film festival.

Experience cinema …
Hollywood Megaplex

Media Partner

Alongside the Hollywood Megaplex, our media partners are an essential part of the festival. They not only stand behind Fright Nights, but also support us every year and help us to bring our impulses, content and focus to our horror community.

Festival Supporter

In today’s world, it is crucial that supporters in the art sector collaborate. Through this cooperative effort, we enable ourselves to reach a broader audience and target specific demographics. By coming together, we not only enhance our own events and projects but also contribute to the promotion of artistic diversity as a whole. Together, we can share the joy and excitement for art, thereby creating unforgettable experiences for all involved.

Cooperation partners

Our cooperation partners have a very special status, because their love of horror and Fright Nights puts the bloody crown of thorns on the festival.