10th HARD:LINE Film Festival

Chiara Kamnik, festival director of the Fright Nights horror film festival, served as a juror for the Méliès D’Argent at the 10th HARD:LINE Film Festival in Regensburg. Together with Manuel Magno from Filmfressen and Nandita Solomon, film producer of films such as „Interchange“ and „Bunohan: Return to Murder,“ she had the difficult task of selecting the best short film for the „Méliès D’Argent.“ PS: You can still submit your horror films to us until June 25th.
The „Méliès D’Argent“ is awarded by each member festival of the Méliès International Festivals Federation (MIFF) in its own competition. The winners of the individual competitions then compete in a final competition at the prestigious Sitges Catalonian International Fantastic Film Festival to determine the best European fantastic short film of the year.
The 10th HARD:LINE Film Festival offered great films, a fantastic program, and a wonderful dramatic arc that captivated the audience. In addition, the excellent service, including Gin Tonic and top-notch beer, contributed to the fantastic atmosphere.
The best short film, „Lost In The Sky,“ and the best feature film, „Blaze,“ were awarded. However, the highlight of the evening was the presentation of the prestigious Méliès D’Argent to „Lost In The Sky,“ as if it was meant to be.
Overall, the 10th HARD:LINE Film Festival was an absolute highlight and an event that should not be missed in the future. I will definitely be back in 2024 – and hopefully you will be too!