Feature Film
Welcome to Kittytown
Welcome to Kittytown malt eine urkomische, spannende und unvergessliche Vision einer postapokalyptischen Zukunft. Nach einer GVO-Kontamination verwandelt sich die Zivilisation in eine Einöde, die von einem tödlichen grünen Boden beherrscht wird. Vern (Darren Zimmer), ein kränklicher Bauer, kämpft ums Überleben.
Als Vern von einem möglichen sicheren Zufluchtsort namens „Kittytown“ erfährt, der alles bieten soll, was man braucht, schließt er sich mit einem anderen Überlebenden, Ted (Robert Bryn Mann), zusammen, um ihn zu finden. Gemeinsam kämpft das ungleiche Paar ums Überleben gegen einander, den bevorstehenden harten Winter, Krankheiten und die Wut eines kannibalistischen Psychopathen (Todd Lewis). Dies führt zu herzerwärmenden, herzzerreißenden und urkomischen Momenten.
Der Film schafft einen gelungenen Spagat zwischen schwarzer Komödie und postapokalyptischem Horror, mit unvergesslichen Charakteren, meisterhaften Darstellungen und einer Reise, die man immer wieder erleben möchte. Welcome to Kittytown ist eine Mikro-Budget-Produktion aus den kanadischen Prärien, die uns an den Wert von Freundschaft, Vertrauen und das menschliche Element erinnert, das einen Ort wie Zuhause fühlen lässt.
Kanada – 2024
Douglas James Luciuk

Douglas James Luciuk
Douglas Luciuk is a Ukrainian/Canadian living in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. Douglas has been involved in the movie industry for 15 years as both a production/post-production audio engineer and composer.
Douglas teamed up with actor/writers, Darren Zimmer and Robert Bryn Mann, for his directorial debut, Welcome to Kittytown. In true micro budget fashion, Douglas also edited, colour graded, composed and wrote/played on multiple songs for the project.
Welcome to Kittytown recently won Best Horror Feature at the Arizona International Film Festival and Best Horror-Comedy & Best Cinematography at The International Horror Hotel (Cleveland, Ohio). As well, the film was the Honourable Mention for Best Canadian Indie at the Montreal Independent Film Festival & won Best Supporting Male Performance at Midwest Weirdfest (Eau Claire, Wisconsin).
In 2024, the movie is going to be officially released to the world!
Director Statement
Truthfully…I never thought I had the ability, or the confidence to become a film director.
In 2018, two writer/actor friends (Robert Bryn Mann & Darren Zimmer) walked into my office and asked if I would be interested in working on a project. I decided to step out of my comfort zone and direct my first movie, Welcome to Kittytown.
Post-Apocalyptic movies are my favourite sub-genre. Welcome to Kittytown pays homage to; The Omega Man, I am Legend, Shaun of the Dead, The Quiet Earth, Zombieland, 28 Days Later and The Road.
My goal is to take the viewer on an emotional ride, pivoting from horror, to dark comedy, to empathy, to tension, and back to comedy again. It’s no easy task bouncing between horror and comedy, but my hope is that we succeeded more often than not. What is most important to me, is the viewer connects with the characters enough to follow them on their journey to the end.
Multiple themes are woven within the movie including; friendship, love, good vs. evil, and redemption from the past. At its core, Welcome to Kittytown is a movie about acceptance, understanding and learning to love one another, despite our differences. As society becomes more polarized, I believe the heart and soul of this movie becomes more relevant.
Welcome to Kittytown has been a six year labour of love, and a humbling learning process.
I hope you enjoy it.
Cast & Crew
Douglas James Luciuk: Director – 1st time director.
Robert Bryn Mann: Writer
Darren Zimmer: Writer
Darren Zimmer: Key Cast „Vern“
Robert Bryn Mann: Key Cast „Ted“
Bernadette Mullen: Key Cast „Charlotte“
Todd Lewis: Key Cast „Sam“
Aneurin Sheasby: Key Cast „Anna“
Douglas James Luciuk: Producer
Jefferson Moneo: Producer
(Cosmic Dawn (2022), Big Muddy (2015))
Zoe Harris: Executive Producer
Nicole Hanson: Executive Producer
Fabiola Caraza: Executive Producer
(Cosmic Dawn (2022), Big Muddy (2015))
Darren Zimmer: Executive Producer
Robert Bryn Mann: Executive Producer
Derick Campbell: Executive Producer
Produced by:
Alphakitty Film Inc.
Prowler Pictures
The Dream is Dead Films
Produced with the participation of Telefilm CanadaFunding Agencies:
Production was made possible through Creative Saskatchewan’s Micro Budget Production Grant.Funding Agencies