Vincent hat alles, um glücklich zu sein, doch in letzter Zeit verfolgt ihn seine Glatze. Aus Angst, seiner Frau Gloria nicht mehr zu gefallen, beschließt er, die verlockendsten Frisuren der Stadt ausfindig zu machen, um seine verlorene Männlichkeit zurückzugewinnen.

Majerus Frederico
Frederico Majerus was born and raised in Luxembourg. After studying in Paris at the Conservatoire
Libre du Cinéma Français, he returned to his home country where he worked on short films in the
location department and scouting. Writing on different scripts, SCALP is his first short film he
produced, wrote and directed.
Cast & Crew
Majerus Frederico: Director, Writer, Producer
Fabrice Colombero: Key Cast „Vincent“
Coraline Mages: Key Cast „Gloria“
Paul Robert: Key Cast „Francesco“