My Castle, My Home


My Castle, My Home (Meu Castelo, Minha Casa)

Guilherme ist erst 13 Jahre alt und spielt Tennis seit seinem 5. Lebensjahr. Während eines Spiels verspürt Guilherme starken Schmerz in seinem Arm. Als er nach Hause kommt, sieht er sich, seinen Trainer und einigen seltsamen Gestalten mit Schlägerhänden. Verängstigt und mit seinem Arm, der sich in einen
Schläger verwandelt hat, rennt Guilherme durch die
Flure seines Hauses, das sich in ein Labyrinth verwandelt hat. Er wird von dem Dompteur und den Kreaturen gejagt, während Guilherme nach seiner Mutter schreit, damit sie ihm hilft.


Portugal – 2021




Drama, Horror, Surrealist


José Mira

My Castle, My Home
José Mira - Director

José Mira

José Mira is a young director and screenwriter, graduated in Cinema from Universidade Lusófona. In 2016, while still a student, he won the 3rd edition of the Short-film Multiple Sclerosis Prize, with the school project film “É apenas uma gripe diferente”. By invitation, he made the publicity for Universidade Lusófona 2019, which passed through the cinemas. He will now start distributing his debut film „Meu Castelo, Minha Casa“, a film that in a surrealist way explores child traumas.

Director Statement

I was about 12 when I started to feel pressure from my athletic trainer. He wanted to make me a professional athlete. It was then that what was fun for me became an unpleasant obligation that I wanted to put an end to. I had to assert my will. Like this, there are cases known as that of ex-tennis player Andre Agassi, for whom tennis became a martyrdom due to the pressure exerted by his father: “I had a life that I did not want, I did something that I hated and that I had not chosen”. I see the film as a reflection on the relationship between parents and children and in particular a reflection on what parents want for their children, often forcing them into great torments.