Feature Film
Holy Shit! (Ach du Scheisse!)
Der Architekt Frank erwacht blutig gefangen in einem Dixieklo. Um die drohende Sprengung zu überleben und seine Freundin aus dem schäbigen Griff des Bürgermeisters Horsts zu retten, muss Frank sich aus dem blauen Plastiksarg befreien und ein schreckliches Verbrechen aufklären!
Deutschland – 2022
Lukas Rinker
Lukas Rinker: Director
Lukas Rinker: Writer
Tonio Kellner: Producer
Jakob Zapf: Producer
Andrea Simml: Producer
Thore Vollert: Producer
Thomas Niehaus: Key Cast „Frank Lamm“
Gedeon Burkhard: Key Cast „Horst Wolf“
Olga von Luckwald: Key Cast „Marie“
Rodney Charles: Key Cast „Bob“
Friederike Kempter: Key Cast „Dörte Grün“
Björn Meyer: Key Cast „Huber“
Uke Bosse: Key Cast „Staller“
Micaela Schäfer: Key Cast „Mica“

Lukas Rinker
After his 2016 M.A. thesis-project, the spec-trailer LASEPOPE, Lukas Rinker startet freelancing as Auteur-for-hire on an assortment of small- and midtier commercial and TV-projects.
Highlight of his career was filming around a race-track in a Russian-Arm-vehicle. He loves directing animals, shooting stunts, special effects and toilets.
If there is one thing he doesnt want to do as a filmmaker – its to bore. He strives to entertain the audience, build up tension, shock them, to make them laugh genuenly or have them take a mischievous pleasure in his stories.
Director Statement
With „Holy Shit!“ a big dream comes true. As a director with my first feature film, to be allowed to write it myself and to realize it without much creative interventions from the outside – but with a lot of trust in advance – it can hardly get any better than that.
Holy Shit! is exciting, shocking, thrilling and – I believe – above all very funny. This is always my aim – to entertain the audience, to make them laugh, but also to make them get their lough stuck half way up their throat. When I use satirical means and wicked black humor to deal with a subject that is important to me, I don’t moralize, I entertain. Just no boredom!
Among other things, the film deals with man’s ubiquitous depletion of nature when Frank’s misery is caused by the money-grubbing mayoral candidate Horst, who ruthlessly and cold-bloodedly wants to build his luxury hotel in the Bavarian forest.
The idea is by no means based on traumatic experiences or crazy stories about construction site toilets, but came from my genre preferences and a look at the economic realities of a debut film in Germany.
The 1-square-meter porta-potty set didn’t feel like a limitation to me at all, though. Rather, I was able to see the limitation of the location as a great opportunity and try to wring everything dramaturgically and visually possibility out of the concept.
I am very much looking forward to showing the finished film to an audience and am eagerly awaiting any feedback. Of course I hope you will have a lot of fun and wish you the best entertainment.