Als Panopto, eine brandneue Überwachungskamera-Drohne, einen Paketdieb entdeckt, nimmt sie die Verfolgung auf und enthüllt dabei einen finsteren Plan.
Dauer: 0:05:30
Produktionsjahr: 2021
Herkunftsland: USA
Harry Valentine
Harry Valentine
Harry Valentine is a director, writer, and producer living in Los Angeles by way of
Athens, Georgia.
He studied theater at the University of Georgia, where he was awarded the New
Georgia playwright grant, The Chuck Baker Scholarship in recognition of film
production, and the Hope Scholarship. His work has been produced in Atlanta and Los
Since moving to California, Harry has specialized in the horror and comedy genres. He
has produced and written several short films and one micro-budget feature: Mystery
Weekend Package. He currently works as a segment producer for MTV’s
His films have been featured in dozens of film festivals, including Another Hole in the
Head, Zed Fest, New Jersey Horror Con, HorrorConUK, New York City Horror Film
Festival, NOLA Horror Film Fest, Portland Horror Film Festival, Oregon Short Film
Festival, ME Film Festival, New Jersey International Film Festival, and Terror In The