

Nach einem tragischen Unfall, bei dem Noahs bester Freund Jojo durch ihn ums Leben kommt, beginnt eine mysteriöse Kreatur ihn zu plagen – die Drud.


Deutschland – 2023




Folk-Horror, Coming of Age, Drama


Florian Ecker

Drud Filmplakat
Florian Ecker

Florian Ecker

(born 31.03.1995 in Eggenfelden, Lower Bavaria)
Florian Ecker’s love for film began to flourish during his studies at the University of Passau. Since 2017 he has directed many different short films, music videos and commercials. His last shorts were screened at national and international festivals and won several awards, like at the German Generational Film Awards, Short Film Festival Landshut (LAKFF) or at the International Short Film Week Regensburg.
Während seines Studiums an der Universität Passau entdeckte Florian seine Liebe zum Film. Seit 2017 hat er bei mehreren Kurzfilmen, Musik-und Werbevideos Regie geführt. Seine letzten Kurzfilme spielten auf hochrangigen nationalen und internationalen Festivals und feierten mehrere Erfolge. Unter anderem beim Deutschen Generationenfilmpreis, Landshuter Kurzfilmfestival (LAKFF) oder auf der Internationalen Kurzfilmwoche Regensburg.

Director Statement

Guilt is a topic that haunts everyone sometime during their lifetime. In German folklore there is even a personification for that haunting feeling: the Drud. A creature that comes at night and sits on people. Its pressure is so strong that the person who tries to sleep is not able to breathe anymore. I found that combination between folklore and this very human experience so interesting that we produced a short about it to express this certain feeling.

This is one of the things we do best

Florian Ecker: Director, Writer, Producer
Dalma Dömötör: Writer
Tarik Lovic: Key Cast „Noah“
Michael Wimberger: Key Cast „Jojo“
Monika Uhl: Key Cast „Noah’s Mother“
Alexander Schmid: Key Cast „Noah’s Grandfather“
Dominik Kutrowski: Cinematographer
Lukas Günther: Score